The Launch of Chloe’s Clothing Swap!!
I’m back! And I have a super exciting announcement—-so stay tuned!
Recently, I don’t know about you guys, but I have been loving some of these new and hip online thrifting websites.
Some of my all time favs are Curtsy, Poshmark, and ThredUP—-they have the cutest and trendiest pieces at great prices and, most importantly, are an amazing sustainable alternative rather than continuing the cycle of consumer “throwaway culture” which I discussed in my first intro blog post here
Curtsy is definitely my favorite as its target customers are young girls like me who have a similar style as I do—I absolutely LOVE perusing their site!
Inspired to get involved with this wonderful trend, I was going through my closet looking for things I could sell and it struck me just how many things sit there unworn—-then it hit me.
How cool would it be if I could create my own consignment event but people don’t even have to pay for the new clothes? Well, welcome to Chloe’s Clothing Swap.
A “swap” is a really fun idea because you are able to hand down your old clothing to someone else in exchange for their old clothing. Therefore, you get new clothes for your wardrobe without creating ANY waste. For instance: bring a pair of jeans, get a pair of jeans. It’s efficient, exciting, AND sustainable!
I will be hosting it on Sunday, November 20th, 2022 and am very much looking forward to further my recycling and sustainability efforts.
Bring any clothing that you have grown out of, or simply don’t want anymore and make a “swap” with someone else’s clothes!
I plan to do this multiple times throughout the year and can’t wait to see how it goes. I’d love to update my wardrobe without contributing to fast fashion and harmful consumer culture. Stay tuned for updates and news to come!